Steve Edelson was killed in the town of Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, while reading a book on the beach. The crime was senseless and the killer is still at large. Steve will be missed dearly by many people. His friends and family are setting up a promissory fund to offer reward money to help find the killer. The people of Puerto Viejo have generously donated.
Yamu and Poppy have been taking charge of the effort to catch the killer and make Puerto Viejo safe once again. They run the Jungle Love Garden Café, where my dad ate sometimes while he was there. They have been interfacing local police for me and put up the reward posters- this website is meant to aide their effort more than anything else. If somebody turns in the killer and is eligible for the reward, we will notify each donor and ask them to send their promised money to a fund designated at that time, which will be given to the eligible person(s).
If anybody has information on the motiveless evil-eyed bogeyman, please contact me in person. I am guessing said bogeyman is Costa Rican; I hear they are shifty characters. Thanks in advance!